protection of the BODY, home + BUSINESS
An etheric and dynamic protective field and grid that nurtures and stabilizes your energy during deep shadow work and creates a complex and intricate shield for continued safety, protection and harmonization.
Shielding and protecting your energy is necessary. The stronger our abilities and connection to the higher realms and the deeper we are in the shadow work, the stronger our shield needs to be.
ideally, our auric field is our shield, designed to protect us from external influences, and maintain the integrity of our physical, emotional mental and spiritual bodies. however, over many lifetimes and due to various life experiences, stress, trauma and lack of energetic hygiene, our auric field has weakened and become fragmented, ultimately diminishing its protective function.
the ultimate form of spiritual protection is a strong auric field, but it takes work to heal the core wounds that allowed the infiltration in. psychic protection is important, and Sometimes we create these shields around us, but they’re not as strong as they could be. it’s too simple (a bubble of light.) it protects from some, but not all. it’s not enough. the strength of your ability to build a shield and strengthen your auric field will come with time… but in the meantime, if you’re struggling with attacks or other’s energy infiltrating your space, this is for you!
Lauren builds out a strong, complex, multilayered and protective shield that remains in place and allows you to move through daily life with more ease, as well as stay protected in the astral. it helps to diminish, if not entirely eradicate psychic attacks from coming in, so you can live your life and do the inner work without being caught in this vicious cycle.
This shield will be built around your physical and energy body to protect you as you move through life.
Your home is your sacred temple space, but it doesn’t always receive the energetic love it deserves. Also, sometimes during psychic attacks, our home and living space also gets attacked.
This shield goes up over the entirety of the property, to keep you in a bubble of christ consciousness and pure unconditional love. This will ultimately shift all aspects of life, including sleep, relationships, mood and energy levels.
Our businesses are living entities and extensions of us. If you’ve felt drained in your business, or not bringing in the abundance you know or feel you should, there might be some energetic leakage, siphoning or infiltration. This shield will go up over your business to help restructure.
The Light Shield is not static—it is a living, intelligent energy field that adjusts to your frequency and level of awareness.
It learns how inorganic energies have interfered, working to constantly support you in neutralizing distortions, repelling unwanted influences, and reinforcing your energetic sovereignty.

How would this serve me?
Included but not limited to:
Creates multiple barriers around you to protect the energy body from external influences, attachments, or psychic attacks.
Helps to strengthen energetic boundaries, preventing energy leaks and depletion.
Filters and transmutes incoming energies, clearing them on contact and sending signals to you.
Supports you in your purging by taking on a lot of the energetic load.
Enhances connection to divine intelligence while keeping the energy field sovereign and balanced.
It is designed to identify, track, and dissolve external energetic manipulations—whether they come in the form of psychic attacks, intrusive thought patterns, AI-generated interference, etheric parasites, or residual energetic imprints from past experiences. It is programmed to recognize inorganic distortions, transmute them, and strengthen your ability to remain unaffected by lower-density energies.
This is for you if you’re experiencing:
Psychic attack
You are currently experiencing any form of psychic attack whether in the physical, astral or dream realms.
Physical health issues
The shield will support in the constant removal of stagnant and disharmonious energy that is contributing to these health issues.
Difficulty with boundaries
Reinforces energetic boundaries, preventing external influences, emotional drain, and manipulative forces from penetrating your field.
Not feeling safe or grounded
It provides a sense of energetic safety by reinforcing your connection to your body, the Earth, and divine intelligence.

love from our amazing clients

Upon purchase, Lauren will reach out to you to begin the process!