Welcome to Beyond the Veil, a podcast by Lauren on Earth on psychic protection, spiritual hygiene and navigating the ebbs and flows of the healing journey as you learn to master duality and know both your sovereign and shadow self.
Through her experiences…
Lauren has been collecting, processing and integrating a vast amount of knowledge as she’s navigated her awakening, healing and purification process over the past decade. After fulfilling her journey to the underworld and the alchemizing of her shadow and fragmented selves, she is now prepared to share this information more publicly in the hopes that her experiences and the many different rabbit holes she went down will positively trigger a remembrance within you.
She believes in the significance of taking the time to deeply contemplate your experiences and comprehend the many layers of the intricate and complex web that is our reality before disseminating information. Many unintentionally channel through a distorted lens due to not having undertaken the necessary work to clear their own path. Therefore, the information can become skewed to serve their ego and beliefs. It can leave humanity with more questions than answers and sometimes steer them down a path that is not in alignment.
She has always had a strong knowing that the majority of information that is presented and recycled throughout this community is not entirely a full truth, yet had no evidence to support it. Over the years, Lauren has worked tirelessly to purify and clear her channel to receive the most accurate information possible. One of her strongest gifts is her ability to see beyond the veil, directly into the distortion.
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There will be a wealth of wisdom shared across a spectrum of issues that commonly affect the spiritual community, with a focus on educating others on how to delve into the unknown and see the unseen while staying safe and protected throughout the process.
A veil can refer to anything that conceals, obscures, or hides. It can be a metaphorical or physical covering that keeps something from being fully seen or understood.
In spiritual context, a veil is a barrier of separation between the material world and the spiritual realm. There is the idea of a "veil of illusion" that separates individuals from perceiving the ultimate reality or truth.
In the spiritual world, so much of the truth has been kept hidden from us or kept from us until the time is right for us to receive it. It is what we know as the ancient mysteries..
Spiritual growth is simply the the gradual lifting or piercing of this veil, allowing us to gain deeper insights into the nature of existence. We don’t know what we can’t see and the intention for this podcast is to support that process.
What is a veil?
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Examples of topics covered:

love from our amazing listeners: