new service:
galactic astrology
did you know that our astrology + birth chart gives insight to our past (or future) lifetimes on other star systems?
Exploring Cosmic Connections…
Our birth chart serves as a window not only into our present reality and how to navigate this lifetime, but also grants us access to our ancient and galactic soul history. By examining the patterns between degrees, orbs, and fixed stars, we can tangibly uncover insights into the planets we have inhabited and the karmic cycles we have experienced. Galactic astrology utilizes fixed star alignments to trace the soul's journey, from its entry into this galaxy to its most recent past life prior to this earthly incarnation, as well as potential future lifetimes.
In this 10+ page report…
you will receive a comprehensive PDF of your Galactic Astrology Report, providing detailed information about your ancient and recent lifetimes on other star systems. This insightful report will highlight your cosmic journey and help you understand the profound experiences that have shaped your soul's path. Additionally, you will receive your full galactic astrology chart and a star map, allowing you to visually chart your cosmic journey as you follow along.
Lauren puts an ample amount of love into each report, usually spending about 3-4 hours on each one.
Galactic astrology unveils the celestial tapestry of our souls, revealing the cosmic threads that weave through our existence across lifetimes and star systems.

what you will receive:
My story:
five years prior to finding galactic astrology…
Galactic beings began introducing themselves to me during an Akashic Records course I took in 2018. This opened up channels of communication with numerous beings from our galaxy, each with their own message to share. I delved into their species' history and their involvement with Earth affairs, which inspired me to write a book about it in 2021 - check it out here!
Discovering my own galactic origins brought profound peace, as everything suddenly fell into place. Seeing the vast extent of my journey throughout the galaxy, the mastery I achieved in various crafts, the service I rendered to collective consciousness with my gifts, and understanding the qualities I embody from specific star groups all provided priceless information. It allowed me to cultivate more love for myself, our planet, and the present moment.
Not only that, but the support from my families in other star nations facilitated physical, mental, and emotional healing. They shared profound wisdom that I integrated into my everyday life, leading me to a place beyond my wildest dreams. Their star systems have undergone their own evolutionary processes, much like Earth and humanity are currently experiencing. They have lived through it and possess a deep understanding. They can guide us if we seek their guidance.
As an Akashic Record reader, I offered soul journey readings and starseed readings to bring forth this information for others. Discovering galactic astrology was like the cherry on top of the sundae, as it provides a tangible tool to validate our intuitive sense of cosmic origins.
However, as I delved deeper into my studies, I learned that about 80% of the information comes from the soul's wisdom and the Akashic Records, rather than solely relying on the birth chart. While the chart serves as a guide, the true story is revealed through the wisdom of the Akashic field and the client's higher self. The way I interpreted my chart prior to taking the course has completely transformed.

love from our amazing clients