Welcome beautiful soul!

Unlock the wisdom of the Akashic Records and explore the ancient mysteries of our world.


Our universe is expansive, limitless, multidimensional, and always evolving. We are one of an infinite number of beings within the vast multiverse. In our lifetime, we have been told many stories about not only what lies beyond the third dimension, but also about who we are as living beings, our purpose, and how we should spend our time on Earth. The truth, however, that we are powerful, eternal, and limitless souls. We have willingly chosen a temporary and limited incarnation into the physical plane for the purpose of individual soul growth, service to others or to experience separation and learn how to return to oneness.

I am here to help you reconnect with your soul's blueprint, your true essence, and your galactic roots. Together, we will gain a deeper understanding of your identity, your life's purpose, the lessons or experiences you have chosen for this incarnation, the information and unique gifts in your genetic code and the areas within you that require healing and integration for the continued evolution of your soul.

MY ROLE IS TO HELP HEALERS AND HUMANS ACHIEVE SOVEREIGNTY — guiding them to freedom from internal or external forces that seek to block or disrupt that connection to source. we are in the midst of a war on consciousness, during which many have been fragmented, suppressed and held back from fully expressing their true self. my intention is to help you achieve a level of FREEDOM THAT YOU CAN FEEL IS ATTAINABLE, BUT MIGHT FEEL STUCK OR UNSURE OF HOW TO GET THERE.

upcoming workshops for fall 2024:


Our thoughts, emotions, and actions either provide us with abundance or resistance, freedom or fear. Ultimately, it is up to us to carve our own paths, to know ourselves on a soul level, and to strengthen and develop our own intuition. We are the creators. Make your life an example of what is possible as divine beings of light within the human experience.

I am here to assist you in experiencing a divine union and sacred marriage within yourself. Together, we will bridge the gap between all versions of you — past, present and future. It is a journey that involves integrating and harmonizing all of your being—your light and shadow, masculine and feminine, and earthly and spiritual aspects. 



"Love is the greatest healer, the greatest teacher, and the greatest liberator of the human soul."

Mary Magdalene

New podcast episodes drop every other Monday, on taboo and occult topics. New meditations monthly.

Akashic Records

Often referred to as the "book of life," the records are an ethereal realm where the past, present, and future coexist — where every thought, emotion, event, and choice ever made by every individual soul is contained, serving as a comprehensive source of knowledge and insight that can be accessed for guidance, healing, and spiritual growth. In these sessions, you will gain insight into the vast expanse of your multidimensional and complex self.

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Lauren teaches psychic development classes and offers 1:1 and group mentorship to share her wisdom, guidance and tools collected over the years as she went through her own process of deep transformation. She gently leads others through the uncharted territories of their shadow selves and providing unwavering support as they lovingly confront and heal deep-seated wounds, traumas, and emotional burdens.

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Quantum Healing

Lauren has crafted a distinctive method of energetic clearing and healing, seamlessly integrating multiple modalities and drawing upon the guidance and assistance of higher wisdom beings and ascended masters. Through this comprehensive approach, she provides an opportunity to release deep and stagnant energetic blockages whether the root be ancestral, emotional, past life, physical, mental or spiritual.

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Work with me!

Hi, I’m Lauren on Earth…

Having personally experienced the transformative power of healing after a chronic illness and a lifetime of depression and disconnection, I am passionately committed to supporting others reconnect with their innate joy, rediscover a love for life and cultivate a profound sense of self-acceptance and self-love.

I approach the healing journey differently as I believe that they key to liberation lies in the unseen — the upper and lower realms, the ancestral lineage, past versions of self, the shadow, the hidden and into the depths of the underworld. We are ancient souls with a complex history so the answers to understanding our repeating patterns, beliefs, thoughts and sense of self lie beyond the surface of our human self. Together, we will uncover the ancient mysteries of our souls, bodies, planet and beyond.

love from our amazing clients

I’m so glad we crossed paths.

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